Re-emphasize Emerging Leaders and the next generation of leaders

Re-emphasize Emerging Leaders and The Next Generation of Leaders

  • Relaunch of Executive Leadership Institute Program (ELI)  and Mentor Program.  
  • Increased the frequency of scheduled messaging on social media, which resulted in:
    • A 32% average increase in followers across all social media platforms (Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, and Twitter).
  • Created, Developed, and Launched the EMERGE Series to increase the number of entry-level and mid-career professionals of color in public service.
    • Emerge is a one-day conference focused on the skills, entry to mid-level Public Administrators require, to excel in their current positions. 
    • The Conferences held to date  have presented valuable information on how to prepare for the next level of your career, while sharing the critical skills, competencies and knowledge necessary to prepare Emerging Leaders for that next opportunity?
    • Alicia Munnell, director for the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, says she expects most boomers employed in state and local governments to retire within five to 10 years, with the first noticeable spikes set to take place in the next three years. 
    • Emerge 2019 was established to invest in the next generation of leaders and the future workforce.
    • As President, a major focus for me was Emerging Leaders.  NFBPA identified the development of entry and mid-career individuals as one of its premier objectives in leadership development. 
    • During my term as President, we convened three Emerge conference (Houston, TX (October, 2019); Phoenix, AZ (February, 2020), and District of Columbia, Virginia and Maryland (Virtual and include the Metropolitan Alexandria , DC Chapter and Maryland Chapters. (December 2020).  We have planned the 4th conference to be held in South Florida.
      • The Emerge Series (3) resulted in over 500 attendees and net revenues of over $75,000
  • Launched a new series called, "President's Tuesday Toolkit Series." The focus and goal of the virtual monthly series is geared for Emerging Leaders, as well as, subject matter leaders in the monthly highlighted area.  My hope has been to provide not only our students and Emerging Leaders, but also subject matter professionals, with the resources necessary to add to their professional development toolkit.
  • Formalized and Enhanced the Public Administration Day Program
    • Nationally, public sector, government employees tackle local and national challenges, often behind the scenes, in states, counties, municipalities and cities. 
    • The day-to-day responsibilities of public administrators can vary greatly depending on the type of organization they work for, but the common thread among public administrators is most typically a deep commitment to serve their communities and contribute to their overall improvement.
    • The term “public service” is used frequently in the field of public administration and is this desire to serve the public good that calls people to become public administrators. 
    • To further promote the importance of the field of public administration and to ensure a continued pipeline of talented emerging leaders the NFBPA developed the Public Administration Day program. 
      • This unique effort is designed to introduce students in local school districts to the field of public administration, to encourage public sector careers and exploration of the prerequisite postsecondary training, career pathing and preparation. 
      • The program partners local NFBPA Chapters, educational leaders from local school systems and students in a variety of creative in-personal and virtual activities to learn about government and public service. 
      • The program serves as a part of NFBPA’s strategic focus on grooming emerging leaders. The importance of public administration lies in serving one’s community. 
      • Students during Public Administration Day will have the opportunity to learn that professionals can serve their communities in a variety of ways, and there are several different academic programs and paths that can help people reach their goal of being a public servant. 
      • Public Administration Day is an exciting venture that will invest in the success of our future leaders by providing another link in the training/mentorship pipeline to ensure students in the local schools have a strong educational foundation that prepares them to be contributors and leaders in public-sector careers. 
      • To provide NFBPA members opportunity to serve during the COVID-19 pandemic, the program will be offered in a virtual, hybrid, or in-person options. All local efforts will be implemented while maintaining appropriate physical distancing and complying with CDC guidelines.

Report Card Status:  

  • Implement and Launch the new versions of the National ELI Program during the 2-year term with Georgetown University (Achieved)
  • Continue to explore certifications programs with NFBPA Partners.  (Achieved)
  • Identify the Emerging issues facing Emerging Leaders and then identify tactical and proactive ways to address them.
    • Partner and host an EMERGE Symposium with other like organizations to discuss and address Emerging topics and issues. (Achieved)
  • Explore more creative and innovative ways through  ways through technology and social media to reach the next generation of leadership and attract them to NFBPA.  (Achieved)